The SFRC committee are happy to announce that our AGM will take place at 7.00pm on 23 May 2024.
Details of the announcement and downloads of the nomination forms are also on the Club Website. Hard copies will also be available at the club.
We are asking for officer and all director nominations with a closing date of 14 May. Officer positions: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary.
We will collate the nominations and by 16 May, will issue ballots (if required) with named candidates that electors can vote on. Ordinary Members, VPs and Players are eligible to vote.
The closing date for submitting ballots and proxies will be 20 May.
At the AGM, votes from the floor will be combined with the ballots to produce the election result.
Nominations and ballots can be left at the club in sealed envelopes or given to an existing officer and addressed to the Club Secretary.
Stuart Read
Secretary SRFC